Reflections on Happiness from a Long Beach Chiropractor

Reflections on Happiness from a Long Beach Chiropractor

Giving some consideration to this year that is almost over, I realize that happiness cannot be dependent on circumstances but rather on the choices that we make.

Some people ask me, “How can I be happy if  ‘this or that’ is going on?  To me, this is a way to justify being unhappy. 

Happiness is an inside job!!

It is never in a new car, a new relationship, a new home, a new job or in anything external for any length of time.   For after attaining that which we were seeking, we notice that the feeling of ‘satisfaction’ is fleeting and again we are in a place of wanting, having not quite grasped ‘happiness’ enough to be able to hold onto it. So why is that?  What is going on?  Could the problem be, ‘expectations’?  It seems that so often we are disappointed because our expectations are not met and we feel unfulfilled and often angry. We may think that we have communicated our needs, thoughts or desires to someone but in reality, it was not clear.  Should we have expectations? What do you think?

Living and working as a chiropractor in Long Beach continues to bring me much happiness. The ocean air is so renewing and the negative ions off  the water actually create inner peace, and at times an actual sense of euphoria and joy.   How about trying to live by your own truth and ideals?  Let’s see how that makes you feel!  Also try using your time wisely, accomplishing something that  brings you closer to achieving your intention.  Finally, share your energy with people who honor you and those who bring out the best in you. As always, I invite your comments.

Have a Happy Magical Holiday,

~Dr. Judy

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