Live each day to the fullest…

Some days that is easier  and other days it seems to be harder. I find that if I start my day with an affirmation and say it with energy and enthusiasm, I can create an incredibly powerful and positive day.  It is really setting an intention and giving it the attention it deserves throughout the day.

Each day gives us all a new opportunity to focus on what is right in our lives; like the people who go out of their way to help us, like the driver who gives us the right of way, like the family and friends who unconditionally love and support us. I find that I live my life to the fullest when I am alert to what is right about my day.  I am particularly fortunate to work in the capacity of serving on a daily basis.

I love being a chiropractor!!

I could feel you smiling ;-)! by Thai Jasmine.

1 Comment

  1. Dr Judy, i am SOOOO impressed you did this blog post by yourself. You are such a quick learner. I wish there were more in this world so eager to learn like you!

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